Find out more how
Accompany Health can help.

Not a patient yet?

To learn more about what services we offer and which doctors are part of our care team, contact us through this form.

Are you a provider?

To learn more about referring or coordinating care for your patient please contact us through this form.


To learn more about how you can become part of the Accompany Health team, visit our careers page.

Common Questions

I don’t want you to come to my home. Can we meet somewhere else?

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Can I keep my regular doctor?

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This sounds too good to be true. Is there a catch?

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What if I meet with you and decide Accompany Health isn’t for me?

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Can you help me with food, housing, utilities, or transportation?

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Can you help me with legal challenges?

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Can you help with dental care?

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Will this cost me anything?

For almost everyone we work with, insurance covers our services at no cost. That means you won’t get any bills from us or pay any copays. If that’s not going to be the case for you, we’ll let you know when you call to schedule your first visit.

I don’t want you to come to my home. Can we meet somewhere else?

Yes. We’re happy to come to any location where you feel comfortable. We can also meet you online with a video visit.

Can I keep my regular doctor?
Yes. We work with your doctors and other providers to make sure you get the care and services that best support you. We’re here to provide more support, not take anything away. 
This sounds too good to be true. Is there a catch?
No catch at all. We just make sure you get all the care and services you deserve — and have a right to receive. For almost everyone we work with, our services are covered by insurance at no cost.  
What if I meet with you and decide Accompany Health isn’t for me?
No problem. When you schedule your first visit, you’re not committing to anything long term. If you decide we’re not a good fit for you, we won’t schedule any follow-up care.
Can you help me with food, housing, utilities, or transportation?
Yes. We don’t provide these services directly, but we do help you find and apply for them. For example, we:

  • Help you apply for benefits like SNAP and food stamps
  • Find housing and fill out the paperwork
  • Connect you with programs to lower your gas, electric, and internet bills
  • Set you up with rides to get to appointments
Can you help me with legal challenges?
Yes. We work with legal advisors who don’t charge you for their services. They offer advice for legal issues like power of attorney, landlord problems, and more.
Can you help with dental care?
Yes. We’ll help you figure out your coverage options and find dental services at locations that cost less, like dental schools.